
Showing posts with label Wifi Hacking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wifi Hacking. Show all posts

Friday, October 15, 2021

Check WiFi Password on Android

How to Check WiFi Password on Android Mobile Phones in Urdu?

The best way to view the saved Wi-Fi password on your mobile.
First go to mobile settings
Then go to Wi-Fi
Then press and hold your finger on the Wi-Fi connection you want to see the password for

Automatic QR QR code scanning will open,

In some mobile phones, the password will be seen under the QR code
If the password is not found, click NEARBY under the code
If you click here, you will get the password code
But if the code is not found even here, then take a screenshot of this QR code

Then download a QR Scan app from Google Play

Go to this app and scan this QR

Here you will find the Wi-Fi connection name, description and password

Have fun, and keep learning more, or the brain will get rusty

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Laptop wifi hotspot

Share cable internet to mobile phone via wifi

Download virtual router > intall > open > your net name > password > switch on laptop wifi > start vitual router.
mobile phone > switch on wifi > scan connection > connect to your own created named connection > enter password (what you entered in virtual router settinf).



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