
Monday, October 24, 2011

Using Remote Desktop Connection Manager
First thing you want to do is to create a new connection file. Click on "File" > "New" and select the name and location of the file. You can later take this file from one computer to another.
Once the connection file is in place, create a new group by right-clicking on the connections icon and selecting "Add group".
Enter a name for the group. This name can later be changed.
What's nice about RDCMan is that the parent connection file can be configured with master properties such as logon credentials. Once configured, these settings are automatically inherited to the child objects, in this case to the group. The group then passes on these settings to the individual machines. In this case, I wanted to configure my group to have other credentials than the default ones. Therefore, I unselected "Inherit from parent" in the "Logon Credentials" tab and filled in my details.
Take a moment to look at the other tabs. We've got TS (or RD) Gateway settings, which allows you to connect to internal machines by using one externally available TS (or RD) Gateway
We've got screen resolution settings
We've got remote disk, printer, ports and clipboard settings. By default, only the clipboard is enabled.
And so on.
Next, add the machines you want to connect to. Right-click the group and select "Add server".
You can also import the server list from a text file.
Enter the server's name, IP, and any other setting you need which you do not want to be inherited from the parent group.
Once all servers are added, you can right-click a machine name and select "Connect server". You can also double-click it's thumbnail in the main pane
The server's thumbnail is now updated and it shows a realtime image of what's seen on that server's desktop.
You can also connect to the entire group at once. Right-click the group name and select "Connect group".
Immediately, all machines are now connected.

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