
Showing posts with label AutoCAD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AutoCAD. Show all posts

Friday, June 24, 2016

Object Snap Setting

Object Snap Setting in Autocad

set osmode with numbers of modes bydefault
List of codes as follow:
0 NONe
1 ENDpoint
2 MIDpoint
4 CENter
8 NODe
16 QUAdrant
32 INTersection
64 INSertion
128 PERpendicular
256 TANgent
512 NEArest
1024 QUIck
2048 APParent Intersection
4096 EXTension
8192 PARallel
command: osmode>number>ok
use total numbers for various desired snaps.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Autocad Tips

Autocad Tips
Turn off AutoCAD Back ground while copying drawing to word or power point etc.
Command: wmfbkgnd > Off 

This command has good advantage during the preparation of road cross sections, where required to write every cross section RD (name) in drawing.
type on command bar
this window will apear

from this scroll down and click on filename
at right side some more options are also available
letters uppercase, lowercase
show only filename or filepath only or both
now whenever the name of will be changed, this written FIELD also will be changed automatically.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Show Menu bar in Autocad

To show the menu bar in autocad 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
just write on command bar
and set its value 1

Close the ribbon to increase the drawing area in autocad sheet
>type on command bar

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Add Network Printer in AutoCAD 2000

File - Plotter Manager - Add a plotter wizard - Next - System Printer - Select Printer - Next - Ok - Next - Name -  Next - Finish.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

To create a plotter configuration file

In AutoCAD, on the File menu, click Plotter Manager.
In the Plotters window, double-click the Add-a-Plotter Wizard icon.
On the Add Plotter-Introduction Page, click Next.
On the Add Plotter-Begin page, select the appropriate option. Click Next.
My Computer: The application uses an HDI driver for a plotter/printer connected to the computer.
Network Plotter Server: The application uses an HDI or a System Printer driver with a plotter/printer connected to another computer on the network.
System Printer: The application uses a System Printer installed on the computer. Select this option when you already have a System Printer configured and want to use different settings for the application compared to other Windows® applications.
Follow the prompts on the next page. The option that you selected in Step 4 determines which page will be displayed.
If you want, select an older PCP or PC2 file in the Import dialog box. Click Next.
Select the port that you want to plot to. Click Next.
If you selected a network device in Step 4, this step will not be necessary
On the Finish page, edit the settings for the device, calibrate the plotter, or finish creating the PC3 file.
Click Finish

Adding custom paper sizes

On the File menu, click Plotter Manager.
In the Plotters window, double-click the plotter configuration to modify. The plotter configuration must be for an HDI device and not a Windows system device.
In the Plotter Configuration Editor, click the Device and Document Settings tab.
In the Configuration Items tree view, expand User-defined Paper Sizes & Calibration.
Select Custom Paper Sizes and click Add to start the Custom Paper Size wizard.
Complete the process using the wizard.

Drawing Scale vs Plot / Print Scale

Friday, November 18, 2011

AutoCAD Softwares


AUTODESK AUTOCAD V2012 WIN64 (1.94 gb)

AutoCAD 2012 32-bit and 64-bit CRACK ONLY

AutoCAD 2010: A Problem-Solving Approach {BBS}Book

AutoCAD 2009 Full Version +Serial +Crack

CP-System Building Design for AutoCAD 7.0.06 (Trial)
(CP-System Building Design for AutoCAD is add-on software for building design without the overhead involved in Building Information Modeling (commonly known as BIM). CP-System works with AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT (using LTX), progeCAD, BricsCAD, ZwCAD, CADopia and other IntelliCAD brands )

LibreCAD 1.0.0 RC 4
The LibreCAD software is an Open Source personal CAD application

Up and Running with AutoCAD 2011: 2D Drawing and Modeling (Book)